Open Source Journey

From GSSOC 2023 TO Hacktoberfest 2023

GSSOC Period

In March, forms of "GSSOC" were released with a 3-month-long program, to which we have to contribute,

but as a newbie, I don't know what is contribution, how to do that.

Questions In My Mind???

how do contribute?

what is codebase?

how do detect errors?

what programming language do we need to know?

How to enhance documentation or make any kind of non-coding contributions?

As a newbie, these terms were so confusing, I filled out the form and got selection mail based on answers filled in, but in the 3-month interval I tried to but couldn't contribute as I was not proficient in any language, so I was not able to debug any issue.

but I tried!!! and get to know a lot of information about open-source.

What did I learn???

most importantly practised lots of Git commands, resolved conflicts and became proficient in Git, and GitHub,

My Learnings:

How to raise PR?

How to fork a git repository?

How to raise an issue?

How to debug an issue?

what are non-coding contributions?

I started working on HTML, CSS and Javascript.

My Git hub has only 2 to 3 contributions from May to July -GSSOC PERIOD

Hacktoberfest Period

Till the time of hacktoberfest, I have basic knowledge of:

  1. HTML

  2. CSS



  5. C


  7. CPP

My 4 PR were accepted in the bug domain.

My 5 PR got accepted in the non-tech domain.

Completed hacktoberfest with 9 PR'S.

What did I learn?

Never lose hope, open source demands time, just get your hands dirty with it.

What are my future goals?

  1. To do more coding contributions, resolve bugs, and raise issues.

  2. To make some cool projects/ solving -real-life problems with thousands of forks.

  3. To get selected under MLH/GSOC programs.

    open-source is a long journey with lots of learning and it demands consistency and patience, not only improve our coding skills but our networking skills too.

    so keep hustling hard...