HTML Secrets

HTML Secrets

Unlocking yourself with revision of html attributes

When we know the language but are out of touch or haven't made any projects for too long we have to restart with those long tutorials

So here I bring the key points where you can revise it

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>

  2. <html lang="en">

  3. <head>

    <title>HTML SECRETS</title>


  4. <main>





  5. <i> for italic

  6. <b> for bold

  7. <u> for underline

  8. <div>for writing paragraphs and for distinguishing between paragraph </div>

  9. <pre> If you want that space to occupy the same space as you type in context </pre>

  10. <br> for the next line </br>

  11. <span> for space</span>

  12. <img src="for-link" alt="If the image did not upload then it will show this content" heigth=" in pixel" width=" in pixel">

  13. <video src="video link" > My Video

  14. <iframe src="" height="1000" width="1000"></iframe>

  15. <a href="#" > It will show the link in Blue Color

    -->target="_main" used in an anchor tag to open a particular attribute in a new tab

  16. <p>for paraphrase </p>

  17. <hr> for lining



    <thead> <tr> <th>pinak</th>

    <th>jasmine</th> </tr>



    <tr> <td>2001</td>

    <td>3007</td> </tr>



  19. <ul><li> for listing elements


  20. <ol><li> for listing


  21. <form action="/action.php"> is for making form


  22. <input type="text" placeholder="username">

  23. <input type="password" placeholder="password">

  24. <input type="radio" value="class12" name="class12" id="103" >class 11

  25. <label for="physics">

    <input type="checkbox" value="maths" name="subject" id="108">

    MATHS </label>

  26. <select name="city">

    <option value\="Delhi" >DELHI</option>

    <option value\="Merrur" >MERRUT</option>


  27. <textarea name\="feedback" id="106" placeholder="enter feedback" row="8">

    for feedback


  28. <input type="submit" value="submit"> For Submit Button

  29. <article>paragraph</article>

  30. <section> content inside relates to a single theme


  31. <aside> for advertisement</aside>

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